A charity in Cumbria has celebrated its 75th anniversary.

Cumbria Action – also known as ACT - along with 50 attendees from community groups, supporters, and funders celebrated the milestone which paid tribute to their long-standing support for community centres, village halls, and generally supporting disadvantaged communities in the county.

The event, which happened at Sunbeams in Penrith, featured original music from Quickbeam Acapella, members of whom sang about the charity.

Lorraine Smyth, CEO of the charity, said: “We had sunshine, cupcakes, tree planting, singing and presentations to three communities – Shap, Bewcastle and Stainton, who shared their then and now thoughts about their community.

“ACT started in 1948 with discussions about rural transport, affordable housing and the mission that no one should be disadvantaged by where they live.

“We continue those discussions today with many rural communities across Cumbria.

“We had fun celebrating community activity and our diverse history that includes facilitating the start-up of CAB’s, CVS’s, The Farmer Network, Cumbria Community Foundation, Cumbria Youth Alliance, supporting over 300 Village Hills, and promoting community voice and sustainable plans for the future.

“Our VP Olive Clarkewas with us.

“Olive was involved in the start-up meetings in 1948 and was in good voice for our 75th anniversary.”

The attendees were also treated to a short film from the work of West Cumbrian communities as part of We are Here! a new ACT arts and creative project, funded by Arts Council England.