FOUR separate planning applications for what is essentially the same site near Workington have been approved despite local concerns over the proposed drainage for the development.

Members of Cumberland Council's planning committee considered the proposals at a meeting at the Civic Centre in Carlisle on Wednesday (January 31).

The first application was for a drainage infrastructure comprising an attenuation basin and pumping station, together with associated works on land east of Causeway Road in Seaton where five dwellings are proposed.

The second was also for a site east of Causeway Road and the application is asking for permission to vary two planning conditions where it is proposed that 94 properties are built.

The third application asked for permission for certain reserved matters to be agreed relating to the 94 homes.

Times and Star: The Seaton planning application has been approvedThe Seaton planning application has been approved (Image: Newsquest)

And the final application was for five homes on land north of Camerton Road in Seaton as well as access, parking, landscaping and associated works.

Local resident Adrian Johnson opposed the scheme. He said the development should be avoided and claimed there was a risk of flooding.

When they were considering the first application councillor Robert Betton (Botcherby, Independent Group) felt they needed more information about the proposed drainage scheme and suggested that it be deferred. He said: "We are not getting the full picture."

However, when each of the applications were considered, they were overwhelmingly, and in one case unanimously, approved.