PLANS to add a dozen new rapid electric vehicle charging stations at a supermarket in the Lake District have been given the go-ahead.

The Lake District National Park Authority has approved proposals from InstaVolt to add 12 electric vehicle charging stations to Booths car park in Windermere.

Planning documents state: “In order to service the many individuals, families, businesses, and communities within this conservation area after the 2035 ban on new petrol and diesel vehicles there is an urgent requirement for rapid electric vehicle charging points.

“It is paramount that this charging infrastructure is situated in appropriate locations as to not have a detrimental effect on the historic core of the town.

“The twelve proposed electric vehicle charging stations have been designed to fit appropriately within an existing tarmacked car park with surrounding existing infrastructure/street furniture already in place.”

It is proposed this planning application will overwrite a previous proposal for four electric charging stations which was approved in 2019 due to a change in design and location within the car park.

Planning documents add the proposals will provide ‘essential infrastructure’ for the area and will utilise the ‘latest rapid’ charging technology which is accessible for all electric vehicle drivers to use.

The application was approved on May 13.