A FORTY-year-old Carlisle man has been accused of stalking a neighbour and stabbing the man's car tyres with a knife.

At the city’s Rickergate court, Ashley White, of Borland Avenue, Botcherby, declined to enter pleas to any of the four charges that he faces – causing criminal damage, affray, stalking, and possessing a knife in a public place.

Prosecutors say the blade offence and criminal damage happened in Borland Avenue on June 7, when the defendant allegedly stabbed four tyres on a car belonging to the male neighbour involved.

The cost of the damage was estimated to be £400.

The stalking, according to court papers, relates to alleged behaviour by White between May 8 and June 7, when he allegedly attended the home address of the man who owns the car that was damaged.

The prosecution case is that White was "abusive and threating" to the man and tried to remove the lid from a tin of paint he had with the intention of using it to damage to the man’s property.

This had a “substantial adverse effect” on the alleged victim’s daily life, according to the prosecution.

The affray charge also relates to events on June 7 and is said to have involved the defendant brandishing a knife.

After hearing details about the prosecution case and representations from defence lawyer Mark Shepherd, District Judge John Temperley sent the case to Carlisle Crown Court for a hearing on July 8.

He granted White bail on condition that he does not have any contact – direct or indirect - with the alleged victim and he does not post any information or comments about the man on social media.

Nor can White go on to Borland Avenue. The defendant gave the court an alternative address at the Glendale Caravan Park, at Port Carlisle. It is anticipated that White will enter pleas to all four charges when he appears at the crown court.