A WEST Cumbrian couple admitted possessing drugs when they appeared in court together.

Kerry Weston, 50, pleaded guilty to possessing a class C drug – temazepam and Mark Weston, 50, admitted possessing a class A drug – heroin - and a class B drug – cannabis.

Prosecutor Peter Kelly outlined the facts at Workington Magistrates’ Court.

Police had attended an address on Main Street in Distington on August 6 for an unrelated matter. Mr Weston wouldn’t let officers inside the property. He was seen attempting to dispose of some items.

A search was then carried out and a small amount of cannabis was found in the property, along with some temazepam.

Mr Weston said the cannabis ‘could be purchased from a shop’ and he uses it for medical reasons. He accepted it was an unlawful drug.

Mrs Weston was found in possession of the temazepam tablets. She denied they were hers.

The following day, police were called to an incident at the same property. Mr Weston was arrested and was found to be in possession of a small wrap of brown powder.

Claire Kirkpatrick, defending, said: “They are a couple who have dealt with drugs issues for a significant period of time. They have made huge progress. These are considered blips.

“Mr Weston had a serious accident a few years ago. He uses cannabis to cope with pain relief. Mrs Weston has been off drugs for four years. She has made significant progress. She had been struggling to sleep at the time.”

Mrs Weston, of Main Street, Distington, was fined £40. She was ordered to pay £85 costs and a £16 victim surcharge.

Mr Weston, of Kilnside, Distington, was fined £80. He was ordered to pay £85 costs and an £88 victim surcharge.