A friendship group is inviting people to join in their energy-boosting events this September.

Cumbria Oddfellows, a non-profit group with around 250 members, mostly older adults, is hosting these events to celebrate the joy of friendly company during Friendship Month.

Samantha Richardson, social secretary for Cumbria Oddfellows, said: "We know it all sounds a bit playful, but ‘frenergy’ – the unique energy you get from friendship – is real.

"When you spend time with people you like, or you share a common purpose, it lifts your mood.

"They don’t need to be best friends, just people you get on with.

"We benefit from receiving frenergy, but we can also radiate it."

The Oddfellows’ annual festival of friendship, now in its 15th year, is held every September.

The campaign encourages those looking to meet new people to try out a community or social group, such as Cumbria Oddfellows.

This year, the group is holding taster events across Carlisle.

These include a badminton session at Belah Community Centre every Friday, a bake sale and coffee morning on September 15 from 11am at Belah Community Centre, and a new walking group that meets every Thursday evening at 6pm for a walk around Bitts Park.

Psychologist and friend of the Oddfellows, Dr Veronica Lamarche, explains how ‘frenergy’ works.

The senior lecturer in the Department of Psychology at The University of Essex said: "The energy boost we feel from spending time with friends is due in part to our thoughts and experiences being validated and understood.

"Even the smallest action can generate positive energy.

"Simply seeing someone do something nice for someone else, such as helping a stranger carry their shopping or serving a cup of tea, can provide a frenergy buzz."

Cumbria Oddfellows members at Rose CastleCumbria Oddfellows members at Rose Castle (Image: Cumbria Oddfellows)

Newcomers are welcome to join the Oddfellows group.

Ms Richardson said: "You can come along to have a chat and a laugh and to meet new people, you can help out, or you can relax, listen in and just enjoy being part of the group.

"No matter what you do, you’re contributing to our collective feel-good frenergy."

To find out more about the group and its activities, email Samantha.richardson@oddfellows.co.uk or call 07473071480.