The inaugural Glittering Stars of Tomorrow Ball has raised over £50,000 for Cumberland's care-experienced young people.

Business leaders and MPs joined forces at the event, which took place on Friday, September 6, to launch the Enrichment Fund.

The black-tie event, hosted by Cumberland Council, Cumbria Youth Alliance, and Inspira, was held at Energus in Workington.

Attendees also witnessed a keynote speech by Josh MacAlister, MP for Workington and Whitehaven.

(Image: Cumberland Council)

The newly created Enrichment Fund will provide support for travel, education, training, and access to arts and culture for cared-for and care-experienced young people.

This will help broaden their horizons, build aspirations, and equip them with the tools they need for successful futures.

The event saw representation from organisations in various sectors, including nuclear, engineering, and business services.

Attendees were invited to make over 50 pledges, including offers of apprenticeships, paid work experience, mentoring, career guidance, and CV support.

There was also a pledge to provide DIY training, recognising the need to build independence and confidence in everyday skills for those leaving the care system.

(Image: Cumberland Council)

The Enrichment Fund will be flexible to meet the needs of each individual who applies, with a panel of care-experienced young people determining how the fund is spent.

Young people involved in planning the event attended and expressed their gratitude.

Robert, a care-experienced young person, said: "It’s great that the local businesses are getting involved in this as it helps the care-experienced and other cared-for young people with gaining important experience.

"We are very grateful for the local businesses helping out."

(Image: Cumberland Council)

Emma Williamson, deputy leader for Cumberland Council and executive member for children and family wellbeing and housing, added: "Put simply, the Enrichment Fund is the Bank of Mum and Dad for Cumberland’s cared-for community.

"Most of us will probably take for granted the opportunities we had thanks to our parents – after-school clubs, driving lessons, and trips out.

"It’s also about the skills our parents pass on to us as we move into adulthood – DIY skills, writing job applications, and more.

"Our cared-for young people have so much potential and should not miss out.

"The Enrichment Fund will play an essential role in building the foundations of our cared-for young people’s lives.

"As a community, we should pull together to support them.

(Image: Cumberland Council)

"I’m so grateful to everyone who has contributed and offered their pledges of support.

"I was particularly moved by one pledge to go back to being a foster carer.

"This is all going to make a lasting impact on so many young lives."

Any individuals or businesses wishing to make a donation can do so by visiting