A DRUNK man who went out with a large kitchen knife to damage vehicles after winning at bingo had no memory of the incident, a court heard.

David Scott, 35, had been out drinking in Workington before arming himself with the blade and going out to damage vehicles in the early hours of September 7.

He targeted nine vehicles in total, using the knife to scratch the paintwork or slash the tyres of the vehicles, causing £2,473 worth of damage.

Scott pleaded guilty to possessing a knife in a public place and nine charges of criminal damage under £5,000 when he appeared before Workington Magistrates’ Court.

Prosecutor Pamela Fee outlined the facts at Workington Magistrates’ Court. She said police were alerted to the incident by one of the victims who said somebody had been out causing significant damage to vehicles. Two tyres had been slashed on his vehicle.

The victim was spoken to by Scott while ringing the police. After checking the CCTV footage, he saw Scott was wearing the same outfit as the person on the footage.

Scott had got changed out of the clothes he had been wearing and then came back outside, wearing the exact same trainers.

The defendant was arrested. A large kitchen knife was seized which had black marks on it and a bent tip. Scott made ‘no comment’ throughout the course of his police interview.

Scott had no previous convictions.

A probation officer said the defendant struggled to remember the offence. However, he could remember going to bingo and winning some money.

He estimated he drank 10 pints. He said he could remember going to The Well but had no memory of what followed. He was ‘at a loss’ to explain his behaviour. He felt ‘shocked’ by what had happened.

Mike Pope, defending, said: “It’s beyond anyone’s comprehension. He’s had two long days in the police station to think about his behaviour. He can’t explain it.

“He’s gone from having a night out with his girlfriend to doing this.

“When he spoke to one of the victims while ringing the police, he wasn’t threatening anybody. He said, ‘do you want a beer?’ He came back out, having changed his clothes. That was it.

“He’s lived in that area for one or two years. He’s had no issues with the neighbours at all.

“Thankfully, it was in the early hours of the morning. He was taking out any issues he had on inanimate objects. It’s a very bizarre case.”

Magistrates committed the case to Carlisle Crown Court for sentence on October 7. Scott, of Fletcher Street, Workington, was granted bail, on the condition that he is not drunk in a public place.