Workington MP Mark Jenkinson has launched a petition to try to save a valued village building.

Seaton’s Royal British Legion, which was until recently trading as The Grayson, is under the threat of demolition after plans were recently lodged with Allerdale Council’s planning department.

Mr Jenkinson has written to Edgeplan Ltd who has submitted the plans to demolish.

He has also written to Allerdale Council, Seaton parish council and the Royal British Legion to raise his objections.

He said: “I have been taken aback by all the support to keep the building.

“I’ve had hundreds of signatures already and not just from people in Seaton; from Whitehaven and from people that have moved away who remember it.

“My concern is how they have gone about the current demolition attempt. I think they are trying to circumvent planning permission.

“I’m concerned about the loss of facilities. It’s one of the biggest venues in the village.”

Mr Jenkinson continued: “Seaton is a real community and the village itself, although large - with more than 5,000 residents - has relatively few facilities.

“The British Legion is a community asset that I want to protect.”

Mr Jenkinson said the current tenant did not know anything about the demolition until signs were put up and thinks she has been treated abysmally.

He said: “She saw the Legion as a community hub.”

The petition received 100 signatures within the first two hours of going up.

It has now had about 300 signatures in support of retaining the building.

Mr Jenkinson added: “I have a personal interest in this because it is on my doorstep.

“It would be such a loss for the village to lose such a large building.”

“I have started a petition which residents can sign to oppose the demolition of this building.

“The legion has served Seaton for decades, and I want to see it remain in the village.”

So far 80 objections have been received to the plans on the council planning portal, reference DEM/2020/0002.

People can sign Mr Jenkinson’s petition to keep the building from being demolished by visiting