A musician from Seaton has released a cover of David Bowie's Space Oddity which pays tribute to inspirational fundraiser Captain Tom Moore, sales of the record will benefit NHS staff who are on the front-line of the battle against Covid-19.

'The Beatles Boy' Logan Murphy first played the cover in his makeshift home studio. The original video was viewed and shared thousands of times. It is estimated to have reached over 300,000 people.

Logan made an appeal to have the track recorded and Workington MP Mark Jenkinson stepped in to make it happen.

Mr Jenkinson said: "It's fantastic and really heart warming to see Logan's passion. He wanted to record the single but rights were an issue, so I spoke to the UK rights holder and I got the permission.

Logan recorded the track last week at the Music Farm in Egremont and it was a three man job to follow social distancing guidelines.

Mr Jenkinson said: "Watching Logan record, he was in his element, he was a natural. I hope he can sell a decent amount of copies of this song and raise some money for NHS charities."

Let's All Clap for Captain Tom is available on iTunes, and all other music streaming services. The track is 79p and all proceeds will be donated to the NHS. Logan's dad Lee said: "He's just trying to get it out there now.

"He's get some original songs but it's the first single that he's recorded and his first time being in a recording studio. He's got the bug now, it may be the start of something."

The family are proud of the progress 13 year-old Logan has made. He is performing live on his Facebook page during the lockdown.

"Somebody's sent me a message from Australia, they've downloaded the song on iTunes. He's got a lot of fans in America.The first gig he ever played live was last June. He's gone from that to playing The Cavern Club three times."