SECURING a trade deal between the EU and the UK before the Brexit transition period ended was a reason to celebrate early for Prime Minister Boris Johnson, but the feelings have been mixed.

Before the negotiations reached a mutual agreement, there were fears that even a deal with the EU could lead to job losses and weakened national security - if the terms are not right.

The UK Government has published a ‘brief’ 34 page summary outlining the terms of the agreement, promising “continued market access” and “no tariffs or quotas on the movement of goods.”

Workington MP Mark Jenkinson said: “On the face of it, it is welcome, I’ve been one that said from the start that there would be a deal and it would down to the last minute. History tells us the EU take everything to the wire."

But Mr Jenkinson said that the UK Government held its own in the negotiations: "Lord Frost and the team have done a fantastic job.

“On the face of it, the deal delivers everything we promised in the election. The fact that we've done it vindicates the PM.

"There's been a lot of detractors. The very fact that he has done what those detractors said was impossible, would take a decade, it vindicates the voters of Workington's trust in him."

Members of the Brexit party have supported the deal that was struck.

Mr Jenkinson: "That suggests to me that the majority of the ultras should be happy."

Head of Cumbria Law Centre Pete Moran is cautiously optimistic having previously held fears for job losses and business casualties.

The law firm is already seeing a surge in calls for advice on employment law during the coronavirus crisis. There were fears that changes to the economy with a no deal Brexit, or some trade deals, could lead to more calls for legal support.

“Any commitment to workers rights we would certainly welcome. The fact is that while there are some commitments in there, they are not set in stone.”

However, Mr Moran added that this does not tell the full story.

“It has to be well received that we’ve reached a tariff free agreement, however it is not an admin free agreement. The passage of goods will accrue a lot more in the way of bureaucracy.”