A local MP has called for a further reduction in beer duty to help pubs recover after lockdown.

The Conservative MP for Workington, Mark Jenkinson, said reducing the price of draft beer is one way of encouraging people back in to pubs once restrictions are further reduced.

In a Parliamentary last week, some MPs called for support packages to help pubs and brewers, including proposals for a preferential rate of duty for draught beer.

"It would support British brewers because draught beer tends to be drank more in this country than others, so it wouldn't necessarily be a duty-cut for exports.

"There's been a lot in the way of support for hospitality businesses and they will hopefully in the next few weeks start to be able to trade again and see a bounce like we did last year, but pubs in small communities, village pubs, and pubs in smaller towns, they're more than just drinking holes.

"They're the life blood of many a village and they're a sad loss when we do lose them."

Mr Jenkinson added that he would like to see brewers be treated fairly as well.

He added: "They've been excluded from a lot of the hospitality grants as well. There has been support for them, but not in the same way as a pub that has closed.

The proposal for a preferential rate of duty for draught beer was conceived by the Campaign For Real Ale (CAMRA).

National Chairman of CAMRA, Nik Antona, described pubs as "a key part of our social fabric."

He added: "Further support for our brewers is a must – they have been denied a dedicated support package so far, and we were pleased that several MPs called on the Government to reverse plans to change Small Brewers Relief, which would cause small businesses to pay more tax.

"This would be a devastating blow, at what is already a time of great financial uncertainty, and we thank the MPs who raised this.

"Some provisions were made to help the industry during the Chancellor’s Budget earlier this month, including the 5% VAT rate being extended until September, and we would like to see this extended further – pubs have not benefitted thus far from the 5% rate due to closures, and will not have long to benefit once restrictions lift.

"The VAT cut must also include alcohol, in order to help wet-led pubs and social clubs."