PUPILS in Year 10 at Workington Academy have been working with Tutors from the National Tutoring Programme to improve their Maths knowledge and skills- using resources gifted by The Mary Greave's Trust.

The sessions are designed to support pupils by helping them improve in key areas of Maths they find difficult and challenging.

Maths tutors from around the country work with students virtually, using an online platform that allows them to demonstrate mathematical solutions and check students, knowledge

Des Bird, Headteacher at Workington Academy said “The pandemic was a challenging time for us all. Initiatives like this helping children to fill gaps in their learning are a vital part of our recovery. Students have been so positive about this impact this is having, so we intend to expand the use of this strategy next year into more subjects and with other year groups.”

All those that are taking part at the Academy are greatly enjoying the scheme, which is funded by the Department of Education

Yasmin O’Hare in Year 10 said ‘I really like the sessions as we keep going over topics I find difficult, by doing lots of practice it is helping me to be more confident with my maths’.

The Mary Greave's Trust has been delighted to support the scheme through funding learning resources such as laptops.

Jenny Benson, Director of Programmes & Partnerships at Cumbria Community Foundation, which manages the Mary Grave Trust Fund, said: “The fund was set up by a local man to help disadvantaged West Cumbrian students access opportunities to travel abroad.

"However, due to Covid-19 restrictions we were able to use the funding this year to help young people access essential IT. "We are delighted to see the funding we gave Workington Academy being put to good use in this creative way.

" We hope it makes a real difference to the students’ learning experience which is so important – especially during these challenging times.”
