People in Workington are being invited to give their thoughts on how cycling and walking provisions can be improved.

Cumbria County Council is launching a consultation to help shape plans to improve the infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians.

Councillor Keith Little, Cumbria County Council Cabinet member for Highways and Transport, said: “Cycling and walking have many benefits, not just for our mental and physical wellbeing but also for improving air quality, reducing congestion and making our towns more vibrant."

"During the pandemic we’ve seen an upturn in cycling and walking for exercise and safe travel."

"With the Covid-19 restrictions starting to ease and more people returning to work, we are looking at measures to support this shift towards more active travel."

The council wants to hear your thoughts on where active improvements to travel routes could be made."

Consultations are now taking place in Workington and other Cumbrian towns.

One proposal includes: "Improvements to the underpass and footway/cyclepath on Central Way near the leisure centre."

Along with upgrading of active travel routes between the train station and the town centre to improve accessibility and onward travel.

Another idea that is subject to successful funding will include cycling and walking improvements in Curwen Park and Hall Brow.

This is part of the Allerdale Borough Council £9.1 million Levelling Up Fund bid.

Councillor Little said: "To help develop our proposals, we are inviting the public to give us their views on the proposed routes."

"Identification of improvements will follow, taking account of the feedback we receive, and we will consult further on those later this year."

Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) will allow the County Council, in partnership with Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership and Cumbria’s six district councils, to identify and deliver improved cycling and walking provision for local areas.

Councillor Little added: "I’d strongly encourage people to take the time to get involved, read the consultation documents and give us your feedback."

Find out more about the schemes and proposals and complete the survey on the county council website here: