FOLLOWERS of artist LS Lowry are in for a treat in Maryport – his art is everywhere.

Well, not his art exactly but the arts of children from various schools (who carried out a joint project before the holidays) is being displayed in shops in Maryport town centre.

Interest in the artist was raised in the town after a picture he painted of Christ Church sold for in excess of £80,000 at auction.

Lynn Millington, head of Netherton Infant School organised the collaboration after a conversation with art lover Dolly Daniel.

Now Mrs Millington says: “I think a Lowry trail would be fantastic. He painted several scenes in Maryport and we could do a trail to show people where he stood and what he painted.

“Each school was given a painting to reproduce. It would be great to use those ­— to show the budding artists in Maryport how we are keeping art alive in the town.”