MILLIONS of people in England are carrying around life saving medication which is helping destroy the planet.

Now a Maryport respiratory team is doing its bit by persuading asthma patients to use powder inhalers rather than the gas-powered ones, which are contributing at least four per cent to global warming.

Respiratory sister, Jelka Foster from Maryport Health Services, said the effect of these inhalers was significant.

“It is something that has been talked about but if you really think about it, for instance, I can drive from home in Brigham to work in Maryport and back for three weeks and still have only the emissions of one canister of these metered inhalers.”

One example given is that a metered inhaler leaves the same carbon footprint as a Ford Fiesta travelling 175 miles.

Metered inhalers were previously powered by Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which contributed to enlarging a hole in the ozone layer.

They were eventually replaced with Hydrofluorocarbons HFCs). While these are not ozone-depleting, their carbon footprint is still significant.

Mrs Foster said the respiratory team at Maryport was now trying to persuade patients away from the metered dose inhalers and on to powder.

“We are not going to force people but will encourage them where appropriate," she said.

"Not everyone can handle a powder inhaler but for many it is even a more effective treatment. The metered inhalers deliver spray at about 70 miles and hour and can get lodged at the back of the throat rather than going directly into the lungs where it is needed.”

Mrs Foster said boxes could now be found in the surgery for people to leave old inhalers to be destroyed safely.

She said the manufacturers of inhalers also had a part to play.

“I get annoyed that every new inhaler comes with its own plastic container.

"It is very easy to fit a new inhaler into an old case. I don’t know why we need new plastic containers for every inhaler.”

Maryport is well down the track of trying to reduce the carbon footprint of inhalers.

“I don’t know how other surgeries in Cumbria are doing but this is message that is being spelt out to us all added,” Mrs Foster.