Two long-standing local musical groups are joining forces to perform Haydn – two years late!

The concert was originally scheduled for March, 2020, and delayed by the pandemic.

West Lakeland Orchestra is teaming up with Cockermouth Harmonic Society.

Peter Wood will conduct the orchestra in Haydn’s overture L’isola disabitata and his Symphony number 103 in E flat “The Drumroll”.  

In the second half the orchestra will play the Nelson Mass with Cockermouth Harmonic Society providing the chorus, and soloists Hayley Swanton, soprano, Mary Hitch, alto, Ian Wright, tenor and Sam Snowden, bass.

West Lakeland Orchestra was founded more than 30 years ago. It is a semi-professional symphony orchestra rehearsing in Gosforth and usually performing three times per year in West Cumbria.

Cockermouth Harmonic Society is the largest adult choir in Cockermouth with some 40 singing members, a professional musical director and accompanist. It has been singing for more than 150 years, making it one of the oldest choirs in the country.

The concert will take place at Christ Church, Sullart Street, Cockermouth at 7.30pm on March 12.

Tickets will cost £15, free for accompanied children under 14.  Tickets will only be available on the door, so audience members are asked to ensure that they arrive in good time to take their seats.