NEWS & STAR readers have responded to a decision date being set for the controversial coal mine bid. 

West Cumbria Mining’s bid to build the Woodhouse Colliery was the subject of a contentious public inquiry in September 2021 but has remained in limbo since all sides made their arguments to the planning inspectorate.

And it has been revealed that planning inspector Stephen Normington has now submitted his findings to the Government. 

A letter seen by the Local Democracy Reporting Service reveals that a decision must now be issued on or before July 7.

Here's what you had to say. 

Bob Harvey said: "Why do they keep calling it controversial it's a mine like any other, someone will put me right I'm sure, or maybe I've answered my question because a lot of people don't want it."

Sylvia Bulman said: "There's no need. This is not the way to respect this planet."

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Doug Martin said: "Total nonsense that this hasn’t been approved yet."

William Mounsey said: "This is about the prosperity and job prospects of the people in west Cumberland.

"The product will be needed for many decades to come, do we import it from Australia or even buy it from Putin, or do we do the sane thing and have home production. There is no perfect solution but the new pit is the least bad option on the table."

Now that a recommendation has been made, the final decision lies with Secretary of State for Levelling-Up, Housing and Communities, Michael Gove.

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Mayor of Copeland Mike Starkie recently wrote to the Levelling-Up boss as well as the Prime Minister urging them to ensure the mine is approved.

Mr Starkie believes that the mine, which will be a key supplier for British steel, is even more vital given the situation in Ukraine.

The United Kingdom currently imports 1.6 metric tonnes of coal from Russia.

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