A motorist had drunk three-quarters of a bottle of whisky 19 hours before causing a five-vehicle crash on the A66.

Joseph O’Neil, 67, was driving an Audi A4 on the A66 at Brigham Cross on March 8 at 8.15pm, when he collided with the rear of the vehicle in front.

Workington Magistrates’ Court heard that the collision caused a ‘chain reaction’ of five vehicles crashing, with several of them being written off.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting, said O’Neil was responsible for the accident.

He told police that the vehicle in front had braked sharply and he had collided with it at about 30 or 40mph. He said he couldn’t avoid the collision.

A blood sample taken showed he had 176mcg of alcohol per litre of blood. The legal limit is 80mcg

O’Neil said he had stopped drinking at 1am that morning and had drunk three-quarters of a bottle of whisky.

The defendant had an EU licence which he had obtained in Spain and thought it allowed him to drive, the court heard.

John Cooper, defending, said: “He is a gentleman who has lived over here for a significant period. He obtained a licence in Spain. It appears to be a genuine error on his behalf.

“Everything he should have done, he had done. He had MOT and insurance.

“When he was interviewed, he explained he had drank until about 1am. It was 19 hours between him stopping drinking and the accident. He was surprised about the reading.

“The vehicle in front had braked sharply and he had caught the back of that vehicle.”

O’Neil, of Trinity Court, Northside, Workington, pleaded guilty to driving a motor vehicle with alcohol level above the limit and driving a vehicle otherwise than in accordance with a licence.

The defendant was banned from driving for 20 months. He must pay £85 costs and a £34 victim surcharge.

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