A student who was this year's winner of Keswick Society of Art’s bursary was presented with her cheque at a coffee morning before the society's autumn exhibition.

Zoe Irving, who had taken her A Level in Art at Keswick School last year, had three of her works on display.

She was presented with her cheque by KSA chairman Ted McArdle, who commended her on her prize-winning work.

He welcomed members back for their first post pandemic exhibition after an enforced gap of two years.

The exhibition was declared open by artist Maria Burton, who has a gallery in Penrith.

"Several of Maria’s paintings were on display, as well as works by the late Sue Cumella, a very valued, much missed, and talented member of KSA, who had sadly died earlier this year, which had kindly been loaned by her husband, Paul," said member Sally Bohling.