IT WAS a hugely successful year for a fell walker who arranges a Christmas Day hike for those who may be spending the holiday alone. 

Jay Mistry, from Huddersfield, has been donning the outfit of Santa Claus since 2019 in which he hiked to the top of Scafell Pike - sending out an open-invite to all via social media. 

It all started with the environmental engineer's family going on holiday at Christmas time, making him realise that there must be so many others in a similar situation to him.

In his first year, seven people turned up. Last year, around 25 went up Cat Bells. But this year was Jay's biggest turnout to date, with around 60 people slipping on their walking boots for a hike up Latrigg and back into Keswick despite the poor weather conditions.

Jay said the day was simply 'fantastic' with many making sure the rain didn't deter any smiles. 

"Everything went to plan. It was fantastic... other than the weather, of course. It was a bit stormy but we still had a really fun day. The Santa suit is still a bit wet, but I'll last another year. 

Times and Star: Hikers get rambling with festive cheerHikers get rambling with festive cheer (Image: Jay Mistry)

"A lot of people have said they will come back next year - so that means we'll go again," he said. 

Following the hike, the group found the welcoming arms from a pub open in Keswick on the day, bringing together a heat and few more laughs amongst themselves on what was a special occasion. 

The group had attendees from as far down south as Surrey, Cambridge and London attend. 

"I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who turned up, because of the group size and the weather, a few people rushed off that I never got to say goodbye to by the time we got down, so always a thank you to everyone who came. 

Times and Star: Smiles all round as the group gets rambling. Smiles all round as the group gets rambling. (Image: Jay Mistry)

"We've all definitely made a few more friends along the way this year," he said. 

Jay looks to make the route up Latrigg and into Keswick again next year, due to the success of the day. 

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