A BROUGHTON Moor mother has been able to bring her wedding date forward after winning £50,000 thanks to Northern Competitions.

27-year-old Rhianne Hodgson, a security worker from Broughton Moor near Cockermouth, was left 'completely overwhelmed' yesterday evening after finding out she had won £50,000 on the popular Northern Competions raffle.

She said: "We have just been floating around the house all day not knowing what to do with ourselves."

The 'life-changing' win has also allowed Rhianne and her fiance Scott Whitehead to bring their big day forward, with the pair deciding to get married at the end of the year.

She's also going to renovate the house she shares with Scott, her son Zac and step-daughter, with the aim of selling the property.

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Rhianne said: "We are going to do a few things to our house and put it up for sale to move; we are also going to book our wedding for the end of the year.

"We hadn't even planned our wedding yet because it's so expensive. We hadn't even looked - we were just saving a bit, but now we are going to be able to do it at the end of this year.

"The competitions are just life-changing and it feels more achievable because it's people that you know that are winning these competitions."

The couple have entered a number of the competitions and Rhianne said she just had a feeling this one would be her lucky shot.

She said: "We enter every time. Sometimes it's just one or two tickets, but this time I entered it three seperate times. I bought some tickets last week, another on another day and then three more the day before the competition - so I had seven for this one.

"I just had this feeling it was the last ticket I bought as well that was the winning number.

"Last night my partner said to me it's between 14,000 people and I said well, I've got seven tickets so you never know - and my phone literally rang as soon as I said that."

Northern Competitions is an online competition company based in Workington that has now been running for two years. The company has gone from strength to strength in recent months, and is now able to offer prizes that 'change lives'.

The family-run business, owned by Ryan Dodgson and Sarah Branthwaite,  has had multiple winners in recent months.

Ryan said: "I'm absolutely delighted for Rhianne and her little family, it's an amazing feeling knowing how much we have changed their lives... when I went to see them they couldn't thank me enough. I get a real buzz from it and I can't wait for our next big winner to be smelling the money."