Here's a roundup of the court cases heard in north Cumbria this week. 


Self-pity of ex-paedophile former police officer who lived in Carlisle

The response of a paedophile when confronted by one of this two victims was to send her an email in which he wallowed in self-pity.

The Carlisle Crown Court judge who passed sentence on former police officer Rodney Savage, who perpetrated some of his sickening sexual abuse in Carlisle, said he seemed more concerned with the impact on himself, not his victims.

Savage, 69, earlier pleaded guilty to six sample sexual assault charges, representing numerous occasions when he abused his victims, one being just six when it began and the other ten.

Full story here. 


Irate rail traveller with no ticket spat at Carlisle station staff

An irate rail passenger who had been removed from a London bound train for not having a valid ticket verbally abused security staff at Carlisle railway station and then spat at them.

Maria Liverani, 27, denied two assaults – but she missed her train because she was taken off the train to Carlisle from London for having no ticket.

At Carlisle’s Rickergate court, prosecutor George Shelley outlined the allegations as the trial began in the absence of the defendant, who was left stranded in Coventry after being removed from the train to Carlisle.

Full story here. 


Workington woman's 'horror' being followed by predatory sex offender

A Workington woman has spoken of the “sheer horror” she felt when she was followed along a remote footpath by a flasher assessed by police to be a “high risk” sex offender. 

The terrifying incident happened at Derwent Howe at 8.30am on September 26 last year as the victim, a retired woman, walked her dog. 

Christopher Peter Scott, 32, who is a convicted sex offender, wept and apologised after he admitted exposure when he appeared before Carlisle’s Rickergate Magistrates’ Court. 

Full story here. 


Penrith man flouted sex offences prevention order by using dating app

A Penrith man once jailed for rape is back behind bars after he illegally installed and then deleted a dating app on a digital device.

Glen Threlkeld, 26, who is also known as Glen Adrian, admitted breaching a court order that banned such online activity shortly being released from a ten week jail term for stalking a woman and leaving her terrified.

At Carlisle’s Rickergate court, he pleaded guilty to flouting a sexual harm prevention order handed to him in 2014 when he was jailed for the rape.

Full story here. 


Wigton Drink driver threatened to kill police officer is fined

A drink-driver threatened to kill a police constable he assaulted while suffering a “severe panic attack” after a town bypass crash, a court heard.

Magistrates sitting in Carlisle heard Mark Buchanan, 56, hadn’t caused a collision involving his Suzuki Swift on the night of December 23. This occurred after another motorist pulled out in front of Buchanan’s vehicle as he travelled on Wigton’s bypass.

Police received reports that one of the drivers involved was walking away from their vehicle.

Full story here. 


Whitehaven pub burglar who stole charity cash was 'exploited'

A burglar who took part in raids on a pub and an outdoor clothing shop in Whitehaven has been spared from jail after a judge accepted he was a vulnerable person who was being exploited.

There was compelling evidence that 56-year-old David Carr was acting “under instruction,” Carlisle Crown Court heard.

The defendant had earlier pleaded guilty to burgling the Millets  store in King Street, Whitehaven, on July 31 last year; and guilty to burgling the Lion Pub in Woodhouse Road, the street where he lives, on August 22.

Full story here.