COUNTER terrorism police used an undercover officer to infiltrate a far-right cell on a messaging app - and found that a Workington man was its 'chief propagandist'.

Kurt McGowan, of Hinnings Road, Workington, was jailed for seven years at Preston Crown Court on Friday, February 10 for four offences of collecting terrorist information and three counts of disseminating terrorist publications.

The court heard McGowan was described as 'our very own Goebbels', a reference to Nazi Joseph Goebbels, in a group on messaging app Telegram, where he used the handle Red Church.

The 23-year-old made a heart gesture with his hands to his mother, who was in tears in the public gallery, as he was taken from the dock.

Sentencing him, Judge Neil Flewitt KC said: "I have no doubt you are a committed, determined and manipulative adherent to extreme right-wing ideology and you are prepared to educate and encourage others in the use of violence to achieve your goal of white supremacy."

Joe Allman, prosecuting, told the court an undercover officer gained access to the Telegram group used by McGowan and between six to 12 others in August 2020.

He said: "The messages make it clear the group considered they were, or at least were in the process of forming, an active far-right cell.

"They actively discussed digging a tunnel as a base for operations, where that might be located and how it should be constructed.

"Mr McGowan suggested the Lake District for what he called its extensive woodland."

He said McGowan also suggested they survey the national park for "phase one" of the operation.

READ MORE: Kurt McGowan jailed for seven years at Preston Crown Court

The court heard McGowan was part of Telegram group The Hand and then Exiled393 UK.

Mr Allman said McGowan was 'chief propagandist' in the group, which considered itself a para-military unit and shared views which were antisemitic, anti-muslim, misogynistic and showed extreme homophobia.

The court heard another of the themes in the group was the suggestion that 'non-white' people were inferior and needed to be exterminated.

McGowan shared documents which included information about fighting techniques, instructions on manufacturing ammunition and tactics for guerilla warfare, Mr Allman said.

George Payne, defending, said McGowan had written a letter to the court in which he said he was "truly sorry" for the offences and had become "embroiled in a murky world that was fuelled by hate and suspicion of the other".

Mr Payne said his parents, who were both in court, had also written a letter, expressing their belief he was "at heart a good person" and had shown genuine remorse.

McGowan pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing and has no previous convictions.

'Trust your instincts, act and report it'

Detective Chief Superintendent James Dunkerley is the head of counter terrorism policing north-east. Speaking after the sentencing, he said: “This is another example of how advanced covert policing tactics can detect, disrupt and lead to the successful prosecution of those encouraging terrorism, in order to keep our communities safe.

“Tackling the possession and dissemination of extremist material is an essential part of protecting the public and preventing offences that incite or encourage acts of terrorism."

Counter terrorism police have encouraged anyone who sees or hears something that doesn’t seem right, online or in the real word, to trust their instincts and act by reporting it to police in confidence at