A WORKINGTON man will run the Great North Run, with this year’s half-marathon taking on a very special meaning for him and his family.

41-year-old, Paul Ferguson, a health care support worker from Workington will take on the run in memory of his late father Ian, who he says will be ‘there in spirit’ on the day.

Although Paul has taken on the challenge before, first doing the Great North Run in 2014, and multiple times since, this year will be extra special for him and his family.

Ian Ferguson, a popular former Workington Mayor and town councillor, passed away in December 2022 aged 73 after a long illness.

Talking about this year’s run, Paul said: “It’s a bit different this year. I have done it a couple of other times but this time it’s closer to home, with my dad passing just after Christmas.

“It’s very personal to do it for this, obviously he can’t be there to cheer me on, but whenever I done any sport, he was always there to cheer me on so I will always have that in the back of my mind, and I know he will be there in spirit.

“All my friends and family have supported what this is for, and they are very supportive in what I am trying to do to raise awareness.”

Paul will be running this years Great North Run to raise funds and awareness for Dementia UK.