CUMBERLAND Council is planning to hold an economic summit next month to explore ways of boosting the area's economy, it has been revealed.

Steven Robinson, the council's regeneration manager, told members of the place overview and scrutiny committee that the local economy faced a number of challenges.

He was speaking at Cumbria House on Wednesday, January 3, and he said the challenges included the need to attract young people to the area and retain them as well as the issue of connectivity - both with transport links and digital networks.

According to a council report the event, the inaugural Cumberland Economic Summit, will be held on Thursday, February 29.

Councillor Lisa Brown (Currock, Labour), the deputy leader and portfolio holder for governance and thriving communities, said it was a 'once in a lifetime opportunity'.

She added: "Health and well-being is the heart of everything we do if we want people to live healthier and longer lives."

The report states that one of the key aims is to generate energy and enthusiasm on the challenge ahead for Cumberland and make it an "innovative / forward thinking / attractive location for investment".

It adds: "The summit will be framed in the context of the Cumberland Plan and will be focused on establishing how we will deliver against the clear priority of moving to an inclusive economy that works for local people.

"It will provide the opportunity to stimulate a conversation on the right focus for economic development / strategy / activity in Cumberland – and how we can unlock and generate opportunities for residents, businesses, social enterprises and the community and voluntary sector."

Ahead of the event there will be a number of round table events held this month with approximately 10-15 key stakeholder and partners invited.

The report states: "The purpose of the round tables is to focus the discussion and identify / create problem statements to be addressed during the Summit via facilitated breakout sessions."

The themes will include: Clean Green Growth; Climate Change; Place Making; Destination Management / Place Promotion; Transport and Infrastructure; and Skills and Enterprise.