Two makers behind an initiative for local creatives are hoping their latest pop-up shop will build on the success of previous events.

Hannah Pearson and Becca Dockerty founded The Carlisle Creative after finding it difficult to sell their goods online – Hannah runs the clothing retailer Bob Loves Landy, while Becca makes homewares and accessories as Maud and Evelyn.

In 2018, they organised their first pop-up shop with just the two of them then, the following year, they invited other makers along. Now, as the initiative expands, they’re staging their first spring event.

“Last year we did a summer and an autumn one and this year we’re trialling a spring/Easter/Mother’s Day one,” said Hannah. “This is our first time doing three – last year we did two and up until then it’s just been one a year.

“It’s been ever-growing with applications from makers and customers. We’re trialling how we can expand it and take it further.”

The pop-ups are held in the Intro Unit on Paternoster Road, Carlisle, with the latest taking place from 9.30am to 4pm daily between February 29 and March 9. “We’ve got a really lovely group of core customers who always look out for us but it’s lovely how much passing footfall we get, even though we’re off the main high street,” said Hannah. “Because it’s part of the Historic Quarter there’s a really nice bit of traffic.”

Times and Star: Hannah and Becca are looking forward to welcoming the local community to their pop-up shop in the

Traders must have either designed or made their goods and while the preference is for those who live locally, those from further afield aren’t excluded. “We did start off saying just Carlisle and the surrounding areas but now we say, realistically, can you get here and drop off your stock and take a shift in the shop?” said Hannah. “I think our furthest is Newcastle and towards Dumfries but there’s only a couple. Our core group are very much Carlisle, Penrith, North Cumbria because we want to try and keep it local as much as possible.”

The events are growing in both size and scope. “We’ve got 18 makers this time,” said Hannah. “We had at Christmas about 27 in total because we had a change halfway through. That was our biggest yet.

“It’s a really nice mix of new makers and some returning makers and lots of different disciplines. We’ve got a woodworker for the first time and bead jewellery, as well as glass, ceramics, metalwork, illustrations, dried flowers and all sorts.”

With the pop-ups proving so successful, Hannah and Becca are broadening their horizons. “We’re brainstorming – do we look for permanent premises?” said Hannah. “There’s lots of talk about the future. It’s really quite exciting. It started really small and has grown quite organically. We create this wonderful display and everyone comes and really enjoys it. It’s great.”