A COUPLE whose beloved pet spaniel went missing on the fells back in 2022 have 'faced their biggest fear' by returning to the Lakes to celebrate the beloved dog's third birthday.

Alex Hodgson and her partner Tom Heald lost their beloved sprocker spaniel Apollo on Haystacks Fell in the Buttermere Valley on August 3, 2022.

The search for Apollo went viral, with many turning out to help look for Apollo and the 'Finding Apollo the Sprocker' page gaining 10,000 followers on social media and thousands of likes.

The attempt to find missing Apollo became a huge community effort with hikers, campers and even drone pilots searching the countryside for a sight of the dog.

Almost two years on, though Apollo was not found, the couple hope to keep his memory alive and have returned to the Lake District for the first time since his disappearance, alongside friends and family.

Times and Star: The couple took Apollo's beloved stuff toy on their return to the LakesThe couple took Apollo's beloved stuff toy on their return to the Lakes (Image: Supplied)

The love for Apollo is still very clearly alive, with hundreds of people taking to social media to wish the couple well and wish the popular pup a happy third birthday.

Alex and Tom spent the weekend remembering their much-loved pet by 'doing everything he loved' and taking the time to thank the many people who have assisted them since Apollo's disappearance.

Times and Star: Alex on a walk with family and friends to mark Apollo's third birthday.Alex on a walk with family and friends to mark Apollo's third birthday. (Image: Supplied)

Apollo's owner, Alex Hodgson said: "Facing my biggest fear this weekend and returning back to the Lake District for the first time since Apollo's disappearance.

"It’s Apollos third birthday today and I’m grateful to be able to spend it with my family and friends. Including the incredible Candice who at the time was a total stranger that came to my aid within hours of declaring Apollo as missing and continues to stand by our side to this day.

"A special thank you to all those that travelled hours to help search, drone pilots, locals and the thousands of people that have shared our posts and followed our social media appeals. I am grateful for every single one of you.

"We spent Apollo's birthday weekend doing everything he loved… hiking, swimming and more importantly eating. Happy birthday little man, love and miss you more than anything."