A GROUP of pupils from a Lake District school have written a novel with a 'particularly ambitious' plot.

Keswick School’s Writers & Illustrators Club have been busy team-writing their latest novel, ‘What Happened at South Grove Museum?’ which has now been published. 

The book is a young adult political/historical thriller which has been two years in the making.  

The club members, who range from Year 7 to Year 13, have met weekly to plan, write and edit the book.  It’s been a massive project involving creativity, teamwork and commitment to see it all the way through to the end.

Club leader, Helen Robinson, who is a published author herself as Helen Haraldsen, said: “All of the books we’ve written are fantastic, of course, but this one has a particularly ambitious plot and took a lot of work, both in the planning stages and the editing at the end to ensure the storyline flowed and the resolution worked. 

"The discussions we had around how to end such a complex story were really quite humbling. The students’ creativity and problem solving skills were a joy to behold and the way they interacted with each other so respectfully to ensure the story was the best it could be, makes me so proud of them.”