A west Cumbrian woman's dedication and hard work is paying off as she celebrates the opening of her third physio clinic in the area. 

Tash Barnes, owner of West Lakes Health, is on a mission to support as many people as possible through her work as a physio so they "don't have to give up what they love."

Her newest clinic in Workington is a long-term dream that she has been working towards for a while now, it's a safe space where she can support someone within their own limits.

Tash places a lot of emphasis on her clinic being a place where her clients can feel at ease without too much pressure being put on them. 

"The one thing I can do is build a positive rapport with my clients and their family members and be able to create a safe space for people," she said.

"With the opening of the new studio, I basically, rather selfishly, wanted to create the sort of space that I wished I could have gone to."

Tash was an elite gymnast when she was a child and took part in many different sports but was injured quite frequently which led to her no longer being as active.

She didn't receive a lot of support from clinicians within the NHS and her parents were frequently told that there wasn't anything wrong with her or that she was making it up.

It wasn't until she was an adult, and a qualified physio, that she was able to advocate on her own behalf to get the diagnoses for the medical conditions that she had been living with for years.

"I became a physio predominantly to fix myself and to be the clinician that I wished somebody had been for me, which is why I'll see anybody about anything," said Tash.

"I have more of a soft spot towards younger dancers, gymnasts and cheerleaders. I really want to help them so they don't have to give up what they love, the way I had to because of my medical conditions."

When Tash first set-up West Lakes Health, after working in the NHS, she initially worked out of Seaton Rangers Rugby League Club where she supported players, staff, volunteers, and family members.

From there, she began to run a weekly clinic at her friend's gym in Aspatria which gave her access to different kinds of equipment.

But, she wanted her own rehab space where she could feel at home.

With the help of family, friends, and clients, she was able to create the clinic of her dreams where she could continue to make a difference in people's lives.

"I am very blessed that I've got loads of incredible people around me that have seen my vision and helped it come to fruition."

Looking ahead to the future, Tash is excited to see her business grow even more and she's looking to bolster her team by working with other coaches, therapists, and clinicians in the area.