A WALKER was taken to hospital after hitting their head following a fall on lake shore path - waiting half an hour in the rain until some passing runners called for help.

Cockermouth Mountain Rescue Team were called to a walker who had slipped and fell on a wet rock, whilst on the Crummock Water lake shore path yesterday, June 15.

The walker unable to get up had waited in the rain for half an hour a group of runners came across the casualty and rang for help.

The casualty was assessed before being taken to the West Cumberland Hospital in Whitehaven for treatment.

A spokesman for Cockermouth Mountain Rescue Team said: "The Team received a call from a couple of runners, who had come across a walker whilst running round Crummock Water.

"The walker had slipped on wet rock, fallen and sustained a knock to the head, resulting in bruising and some initial confusion.

"After several attempts to get up and continue, the walker had waited in the rain for half an hour until the runners came last, and had become wet and cold.

"The casualty was assessed, warmed and carried to High Park, from where the North West Ambulance Service transported them to West Cumberland Hospital.

"Many thanks to the runners for their quick call for help and assistance with the casualty."