A FATHER from Maryport has saved his beloved family pets during a fire which destroyed his home last week.

Daniel Blunt, from Maryport rushed into his burning home on Elizabeth Terrace in Maryport last Friday, June 19 saving the family dogs Duke and Duchess who were trapped in the property which had caught fire.

Dan had gone out to drop the couple's daughter Ruby off at school where she was completing her last exam on Friday, June 14. When he returned home he found his house ablaze with the windows black on the top and upper floor.

Dans wife, Gemma Blunt said: "When he put the key in the door, he opened the door and all the black smoke just confronted him and all he thought was 'Oh my god the dogs' , he couldn't see in front of his face at all, couldn't see any rooms."

Dan put his t-shirt over his face and went into the house to try and save the beloved family dogs Duke and Duchess, he entered the home feeling around the living room finding the dogs and throwing them out to safety.

Dan with his beloved dogsDan with his beloved dogs (Image: Supplied)

The father then went back into the property to try and salvage his daughters dress, bought for her upcoming prom and collected from I Do Bridal in Cockermouth the same morning, the dress had been picked for over seven months but unfortunately could not be saved from the smoke damage.

Speaking about his heroic act, Dan said: "I didn't think to be honest, I just knew my dogs were in there and I wasn't going to let them die, they are like kids to us they are our world, so I just threw my stuff down, pulled my t shirt over my mouth and ran in.

"Everything else can be replaced, lives can't I knew everyone else was out of the house and it was just the dogs in there, it's reassuring that no one has lost their lives and the dogs haven't."

Dan left the property and the fire brigade arrived, quickly finding the source of the fire and managing to put it out, whilst Dan was taking to hospital and the dogs to the vets to be checked over for smoke damage.

The family home has been largely destroyed with most of the belongings destroyed by smoke damage during the fire, Gemma said: "It's just absolutely awful, you never think its going to happen to you, it heart breaking."

Dan, Gemma and daughter RubyDan, Gemma and daughter Ruby (Image: Supplied)

Dan and Ruby are now staying at Dans mums house , with Gemma having to stay at her mums house due to lack of,  the couple are finding it difficult to find somewhere to stay due to many Air BnBs and flats not accepting dogs, with Gemma saying: "We just want to be in a house as a family unit again."

Gemma is incredibly grateful to her husband for his heroic act which has saved the families much loved pets.

She said: "The main thing is that we are all safe, the material things are literally just material things, it is heart breaking though as there are so many sentimental things that you can't replace.

"Dan going into the burning building is the biggest thing for me I just can't thank him enough (for saving Duke and Duchess)."

Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service have confirmed they were called to a domestic building fire at a property on Elizabeth Terrace, Maryport. Three fire engines from Workington, Seascale and Cockermouth attended the scene for fifty minutes.