A COCKERMOUTH gallery owner has made the 'difficult decision' to close his business, saying the months of roadworks have contributed significantly to his decision.

Ben Bush, who owns the Bridge Gallery in Cockermouth, announced he would be closing his business on July 6 - just days before Cumberland council said they would be re-opening the bridge directly next to his business to two-way traffic, following a closure caused by the aftermath of the Old Courthouse collapse late last year.

Mr Bush has said that the gallery has been on 'borrowed time' since the collapse of the building, saying road closures and a blocked pavement have caused devastating effects on his trade.

Speaking about the closure, Mr Bush said: "We are devastated about having to close. The courthouse collapsed nine months ago and since then we have been on borrowed time. The communication has been zero and we have been completely excluded from knowing anything about the plans for the traffic lights.

"We then (after deciding to close) informed all our artists, our landlord and our suppliers, only to then find out through Facebook three days later that they were removing the traffic lights and the things blocking the pavement.

"The roadworks and blocked pavement has ruined our business and almost every other business in the Market Place. We are just the ones without any more money so we cannot keep trading.

"The increased speed of traffic and the signs directly outside our business and the blocked pavement past it has meant no-one came in.

"People didn’t cross due to the traffic and people rushing the lights. It has destroyed us financially and with us over 35 artists who will not be getting paid for their work. Also all of our suppliers (all local small businesses) will now not only lose my trade as a photographer but also over 35 other artists who used them."

A Cumberland council spokesperson confirmed that the council provided an update on the bridge reopening to two traffic 'at the earliest opportunity' and when the plans were confirmed, the council then updated local stakeholders.