A MUCH- LOVED agricultural show will return to West Cumbria this weekend - with the 'best of agriculture' set to be displayed to the many thousands of people who are set to attend.

Cockermouth Show will take place for it's 172nd year this Saturday, August 3 at the Fitz on Low Road, Cockermouth.

The show is always a delight to the many thousands who attend the event year in year out and this year it's only growing.

Cockermouth Show secretary, Norma Boyes said: "The support we are getting is amazing, particularly after covid, the trade stands are up and with the industrial section Liz Marrs and Ruth Lawson who are the chairman and secretary of the industrial section have done and amazing job- we have never had as many entries in the industrial, there is over 1,900 they have had to put an extra two panels in the tent.

"It's the biggest tent we have ever had on the show field and I have been doing this job nearly 40 years."

This years sheep and cattle entries have also been strong and the show are happy with the amount of poultry entries - after the section was unable to take place last year due to an outbreak of avian flu.

"I am really pleased we have got it going, Penrith Show actually had to cancel their poultry they didn't get enough entries, so I think it's brilliant that we have got a massive entry again," said Norma.

As well as all of the agricultural sections of the show, there will be a whole host of activities, from climbing walls to Cumberland wrestling- the show is set to be a day full of family fun.

Norma said: "There's the best in agriculture on display, so it's educating them about many things, but there is also a fair ground, we have got a free climbing wall which we are putting on for them.

"The sunshine will make all the difference, and we have got the wrestling which is always a big draw: we have got the 13.5 stone World Championship."

There was a special thanks given to the many small businesses in Cockermouth who have supported this year's show with donations, the amount of donations received have covered the prize money for the event.

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