TWO Cumbrian Labour activists were invited to Number 10 Downing Street - as an event was hosted to celebrate the party's landslide victory across the country.

Penrith and Solway constituency Labour Party chair woman Juliette Wilson and the constituencies secretary Rhys Guthrie were invited to Number 10 to represent northern Labour constituencies in an event to thank activists for their support during the General Election campaign last Tuesday, July 30.

They were among Labour activists from across the country who also attended the event, with the chair saying a Cumbrian presence at events such as this one show that the party in the Penrith and Solway constituency have 'got Number 10's attention'.

The pair attended the celebration in the garden of Number 10 before being taken on a tour of the Palace of Westminster by the constituencies new MP Markus Campbell Savours.

Chairwoman of the Penrith and Solway constituency Labour Party Juliette Wilson said: "I think we were invited because Penrith and Solway was expected to go Tory - but we knew the constituency, even this time with all the boundary changes. We knew it would be close but we knew Labour could make history and get our candidate Markus Campbell Savours in.

"Our members came out in droves and worked their socks off, knocking on thousands of doors. We were really encouraged and it all paid off.

"At the event at No 10 we were representing all our members and more importantly the whole constituency - we've got No 10s attention alright and with Markus we're going to make sure the government hears from us regularly."