A FORMER Carlisle teacher convicted of voyeurism is advertising his services as a “McKenzie Friend,” offering paid-for support to people involved in family court cases.

Curtis Clarke, 39, is facing a possible jail term for his offending.

His crimes included secretly filming a woman as they had sex and using still images from the video to create a poster which he stuck to a toilet wall at a Carlisle bar and on to a bus stop.

The poster also included derogatory comments about the woman, along with her personal details, including her phone number. She discovered this when a worker at the Botchergate bar involved called her to explain what had happened.

Clarke, formerly of Skiddaw Road, Carlisle, but now living in Leighton Buzzard, later admitted disclosing private sexual images.

He denied voyeurism, claiming the woman knew he was filming her. He was convicted unanimously by a Carlisle Crown Court jury after they heard the evidence of four intimate  videos he secretly made using his phone.

The News & Star has now learned that Clarke, despite being convicted of serious sexual offending, is currently advertising his fee-paid services as a “McKenzie Friend,” supporting individuals involved in court proceedings.

One family law activist described Clarke's continued presence on the national Find a McKenzie Friend website as “totally unacceptable.”

Clarke’s website entry includes an overview of his “credentials and qualification.” These include him completing an IDAS Domestic Abuse Basic Awareness course and a similar course in Sexual Violence Basic Awareness.

Other qualities he says he can offer include “problem solving” and “interpersonal skills.”

He says of himself: “I offer expert assistance across a range of Family Court matters, ensuring you have reliable support for various challenges.” He also offers guidance on “non molestation orders” and “financial remedy proceedings.”

(Image: WEb)

The web page also includes nine glowing references.

One stated: “Curtis Clarke's exceptional support as a McKenzie Friend surpassed all expectations.

“His reliability and dedication were evident throughout, providing invaluable advice on a non-molestation order. Curtis's non-judgmental nature and willingness to go the extra mile, offering both professional guidance and personal support, were truly remarkable.”

The website also confirms that Clarke accepts “bank transfers” as payment. The Find A McKenzie Friend page states: “Hire a McKenzie Friend today. Don't face the family court alone.

(Image: Web)

“Our DBS checked McKenzie Friends provide legal support and expert guidance for a better chance at a fair outcome in family proceedings. Secure your future today. We provide trusted, proven, rated, affordable and reliable McKenzie Friends.”

Told about the defendant’s McKenzie Friend work and his entry on the website, Brian Hitchcock, from the volunteer run Family Law Society, said: “It’s terrible. He should not be doing this. It’s totally against everything I stand for.

“It’s totally, totally unacceptable.”

The News & Star invited Find A McKenzie Friend to comment but at the time of going to press there had been no response.

At the city’s crown court last week, the jury heard that at no point was the woman involved aware that Clarke was filming their sexual encounters and nor did she consent.

In his evidence, Clarke confirmed starting work at a north Cumbrian secondary school in 2014 and that the sexual contact with the woman began after they met during a night out in Carlisle.

Clarke told her he was married but separated from his wife.

Prosecutor Tim Evans outlined WhatsApp exchanges between Clarke and the woman in which he asked her for intimate pictures, which she refused to provide. “She made it clear she was not prepared to do that,” said the barrister.

As he adjourned sentence until September 6, Judge Nicholas Barker told Clarke: “The jury have convicted you of four counts of you recording yourself engaging in sexual activity with [the victim without consent].

“You have also pleaded guilty, at the very last moment, to posting those images on a wall at a bar in Carlisle and at a bus stop.”

The judge added: “Whilst I have come to the conclusion that you have shown yourself to be a glib and easy liar, and you have treated with utter callousness... those you have at times been been intimate relationships with, I am not going to remove your bail.

"But I say now, with utter clarity, that this bout of offending clearly passes the custodial threshold, and it does so by some way.

"I don’t at this stage pre-judge what the sentence will be. But you must leave this court and return on September 6 having prepared yourself for a custodial sentence. It seems to me that is an outcome this court could come to.”