TWO west Cumbrian cadets have taken part in a once-in-a-lifetime experience with an expedition through central Europe.

Cadet Sgt-Major Shannon Hine, 16, and Sgt Emma Holecova ,17, were selected out of hundreds of cadets to attend the National Duke of Edinburgh expedition in Bavaria and Austria.

The pair, who are both part of Maryport Cadets, travelled to London on August 9 before sailing over to France.

They then travelled to Bavaria and spent two days preparing and acclimatising before the four day long walk through the beautiful countryside, returning home on August 19.

The pair during their trek The pair during their trek (Image: Supplied)

Emma and Shannon were two of 40 cadets chosen from all over the UK, spending two weeks at the Cumbria Army Cadet summer camp in Manchester before the trip.

Shannon, who is on track to be the most senior army cadet in the county, said: "Bavaria was an amazing experience. I was a bit cautious at first but once I got there I enjoyed everything about it.

"The views are amazing, the people are kind, and the experience was incredible. I've made memories here I'll never forget and always cherish. My cadet experience has been fantastic but Bavaria will forever remain unmatched.

Ready to go in Carlisle stationReady to go in Carlisle station (Image: Supplied)

"Although there were times of struggling, they've still benefitted me massively and helped me learn more things about myself."

Emma, who is currently at Cockermouth sixth form and has achieved a scholarship for Sandhurst Officer Training, said: "I feel privileged to have been able to experience something which I regularly take part in, in a new and challenging environment.

"It has been an amazing experience, which I would recommend to anyone, and I look forward to my career in the military where I hope to experience similar adventures.

"I will be forever grateful for the ACF (Army Cadet Force), especially my detachment staff and adults within the county, for providing me with an opportunity to complete this award in a beautiful country, amongst many other things.

"Bavaria, as well as Austria, have been magical and I will definitely be back."

The Maryport cadets are incredibly proud of the pair who have had many notable achievements through the organisation.

Simon Hine, Sgt-Major instructor at Maryport Cadets said: "Myself and the unit adults and cadets could not be more proud of both hardworking cadets setting a great example for all cadets, pushing themselves out of the comfort zone and achieving."