A YOUNG woman from west Cumbria is finding success in the increasingly competitive industry of social media influencing... and is already working with major global brands such as Boohoo.

Karys Elise Wright, 20, from Flimby, works as an admin for a packaging manufacturer of a 'big crisp brand'.

Outside of her day job, Karys has been finding success on social media as an up-and-coming influencer.

Speaking about how she started 'influencing', Karys said: "I always loved being creative and taking pictures. I went through a bit of a bad time during lockdown and shared it a little on Tiktok. I soon realised that so many people feel the same way and that talking about things is powerful... you can help strangers with your posts.

"As I started growing more of a following it was apparent that people appreciated honesty as well as the glam side of things."

Since starting as an influencer, Karys has found much success. As well as being invited to the UK top influencer awards, she has also worked with big brands such as Love Honey and Boohoo.

Karys (centre) at the UK Top Influencer Awards hosted by Love Island's Georgia Harrison (left).Karys (centre) at the UK Top Influencer Awards hosted by Love Island's Georgia Harrison (left). (Image: Supplied)

She said: "I’ve had successes such as working with smaller brands like Lingerie Room in the beginning and more recently worked with clothing brands such as Storm Desire, who hold a following of 200,000 on Instagram, and Love Honey.

"This year things have massively started to take off, signing with a new agency Sintillate Talent, who have been such a massive help in the industry.

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"I also attended the a UK top influencer awards hosted by Georgia Harrison. It is safe to say the people I have met along the way make the hard work so worth it... I actually have to remind myself just how lucky I am."

And what's it like trying to be an influencer in a place like Cumbria? After initially worrying about negativity trying to create a brand on social media, Karys has been left delighted with the support she has gained.

Karys has found much success in the world of social media influencing.Karys has found much success in the world of social media influencing. (Image: Supplied)

She said: "To be honest (it hasn't been) as hard as I thought. Cumbria being a small place I had it in my head that I would get a lot of stick, and yes there is always that, but mostly I’ve had a lot of support and people asking me how I got into that world.

"I think realising that there are a lot of people who would love to better their situation helps to keep me going, as I can help them in any way I can giving them tips and tricks - it totally outweighs the negative comments."

The future looks bright for Karys, who has hinted at some exciting opportunities coming up in the near future. She said: "I would love to continue to grow my following. 10,000 is my end-of-year goal. And attend a lot more events - I have so much coming up that I’m excited for but can’t say just yet."

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