EMERGENCY services were called out to a group of arguing campers in the Lake District. 

Late on August 11, police received a concerned call about a person screaming in Wast Water lake, potentially in the water. 

Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team (MRT), alongside other teams including Cumbria Police, discovered that the commotion was due to a disagreement among campers, and no one was actually at risk.

On social media, a spokesperson from Wasdale (MRT) said: "Calls of this nature result in many emergency services attending, including mountain rescue as we have a boat and medical capability.

"A local team member quickly attended followed by NWAS rapid response vehicle and Cumbria Police.

"Once on scene, it was established that there was no one currently in the water and at risk.

"It appeared that campers on the lake shore had had a disagreement resulting in the disturbance which had escalated.

"Once it was established that there was no-one in danger the team was stood down along with the other emergency services," a spokesperson said.