A WORKINGTON jewellers can replace its illuminated signs, planners at Cumberland Council have ruled.

The application is for a site in Ivison Lane where the town’s branch of H Samuel is located.

The decision to approve planning permission subject to conditions was made on Wednesday (September 11) and, according to the decision notice, consent was given for the term of five years.

According to an officer's report the proposed advertisements include the installation of a fascia sign and projecting hanging sign.

The fascia signs will be aluminium panels with acrylic letters, and the projecting sign will be aluminium with acrylic letters.

The report states: "The works seek consent to alter the company logo. Officers consider that the proposal is considered acceptable in terms of visual appearance to this location."

Officers are satisfied that the proposal would not have a detrimental impact upon highways safety and the report adds: "The proposal would not impact upon nearby residential amenities given the proposal is located within the town centre and the advertisements are similar to those that already exist."