A PUBLIC meeting has been called in one West Cumbrian village, with the hopes of getting a carnival back up and running.

The Dearham Village Carnival was a much loved event in the west Cumbrian village close to Maryport, with many enjoying and participating in the event year after year.

Six years on from the annual event ending, a group of villagers have gathered together to try and get the carnival back up and running for 2025.

Adele Skillen, owner of the Commercial Inn in Dearham, has called a public meeting to try and get the event back up and running after the carnival was held for the final time back in 2018.

Adele said: "I said when we reopened the pub we should get the carnival back going again and I’ve been asked every week since then by customers when we would organise a meeting.

"Me and some of my best friends grew up in Dearham and we were in the carnival every single year on different floats. It’s a massive miss. The village is only getting bigger and more children are growing up here so would be good to get everyone involved."

The pub owner has called on anyone who would like to help in the organisation of the carnival for 2025 to attend a meeting at the Commercial Inn on Wednesday, October 2 from 7.30pm, with the hopes of bringing the event back to its former glory.

Adele said: "I cannot stress this enough... the meeting is open to absolutely everyone in the village: we would love to get the help and advice of old committee members and also invite new faces to come and help and join the committee too, especially those who have recently moved to the village.

"But we need as many people involved as possible."

Anyone who can’t attend but would like to help is invited to let Adele and the team organising know ahead of the day.