NORTH Cumbria Integrated Care (NCIC) is encouraging people to take part in a new awareness initiative. 

The aim is to 'turn the Lake District peaks pink' for Organ Donation Week. 

In a post on social media, NCIC wrote: "NHS Organ Donation is turning the highest peaks across the UK pink this organ donation week.

"This got us thinking about the beautiful part of the world we're lucky to live in. 

"If you're heading up one of the fells next week, then take something pink, snap a pic at the summit, and tag us in your post.

"We also welcome anyone who will be doing any walking at all to sign up for the virtual challenge, Race for Recipients.

"The idea behind this is you join the team for North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust and everyone in the team contributes their distance to a total.

"Living in Cumbria, we definitely have an advantage and a good chance of coming out on top."

People wanting to take part can register on the Race for Recipents website.