A new fundraising event called Stride Against Suicide saw 250 runners take on a course at Fell Foot.

The inaugural event, organised by suicide prevention charity Every Life Matters, took place on September 22 in Windermere.

The event saw runners in teams of up to 5 take on laps of Fell Foot, Windermere with some even running in fancy dressThe event saw runners in teams of up to 5 take on laps of Fell Foot, Windermere with some even running in fancy dress (Image: Supplied)

The aim was to raise funds to go towards the charities' work to bring down the high rates of suicide in Cumbria and bring together people affected by suicide or passionate about reducing it.

The event saw 250 runners, some in fancy dress, taking on laps of the course in teams of up to five.

They were entertained by music from Blast Furness as they ran.

Blast Furness provided music out on the course to entertain the runnersBlast Furness provided music out on the course to entertain the runners (Image: Supplied)

Supporters gathered on the house lawn to see the runners finish.

The event also featured a memory garland, where attendees could tie a ribbon in memory of a loved one lost to suicide or for those living with thoughts of suicide.

A total of 1,410 laps were completed.

Emily Lishman, event co-organiser and community fundraising coordinator at Every Life Matters, said: "We are so thrilled at the response to our first fundraising event.

"It was heartwarming to see a sea of purple t-shirts and smiles, all beautiful people who have come together in memory of loved ones and to help spread awareness.

"The day certainly had a buzz with Blast Furness creating such an amazing atmosphere out on the course.

"We are so grateful to Fell Foot for letting us use their beautiful park as our venue and to all our volunteers who helped make the day so special.

"Most of all we are so grateful to everyone who attended, what a special way to all come together and Stride Against Suicide."

A total of 1410 laps were run by competitorsA total of 1410 laps were run by competitors (Image: Supplied)

On the same day, Border Reivers, a running club from Carlisle, held their own version of Stride Against Suicide at Watchtree Nature Reserve.

The event was well attended, with 82 runners doing laps of the nature reserve on foot, some on bikes, and even managed to get members of the public involved.

The spin-off event was organised by Jessica Montgomery in memory of her brother Adam.

After the event, Ms Montgomery said: "A huge thank you to everyone who made the dream of this run a reality.

"I couldn’t have asked for a better squad out there.

"To see people talking about suicide and supporting one another was just out of this world.

"We have raised over £2,000 directly for Every Life Matters."

The charity is looking forward to making Stride Against Suicide an annual event and welcoming more people to Stride Against Suicide.