I WRITE again about nuclear but it is a fitting moment to do so, given that this week marks the 68th anniversary of the opening of the world’s first civil nuclear power station right here in West Cumbria.

Speaking that day in 1956, Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II said: “This new power, which has proved itself to be such a terrifying weapon of destruction, is harnessed for the first time for the common good of our community.”

As ever, Her Majesty spoke with great foresight. Not only did the station provide Cumbrians with reliable energy for nearly half a century but also created thousands of jobs through a world-leading supply chain.

Speak to anyone who worked at the power plant during its 47 years of operation and you can hear how proud they are to have played a role in this historic project.

The last Labour government planned to continue our community’s legacy of generating nuclear energy, including Moorside in their ambitious plans for a fleet of new reactors.

During 14 years of Conservative government, only Hinkley Point C in Somerset was approved, and none were opened.

Like many in our community, I have grown tired of waiting. I launched the New Nuclear Now campaign before the election and after I was elected I set up the Nuclear Delivery Group for Cumbria, pulling together decision-makers to get to the bottom of why new nuclear has not been delivered.

This week a cache of letters released by Cumberland Council following an ‘Environmental Information Request’ shed some light on the roadblocks. They reveal the damning role played by the NDA and the previous government in blocking new nuclear development at Moorside despite the best efforts of Cumberland Council and a private developer bringing £6 billion to the table.

Most shockingly, Cumbria’s former Conservative MPs were copied in to all of these letters, meaning they knew their government was blocking a major new nuclear project that would bring jobs and economic diversity to West Cumbria yet they did nothing to intervene.

I don’t have enough space here to expose the whole shocking affair but interested readers can see the whole story and copies of all the letters on my website at joshmacalister.uk/moorside.

I remain committed to doing everything I can to bring new nuclear to West Cumbria despite the mess left by the Tories. I will leave no stone unturned and no official or politician unchallenged in my quest to ensure we get what we need and deserve.